Production Dashboard Reports

  • Provides facility to configure the data fields (specific to each process / sub-process) that need to be captured.

  • Provides facility to configure various activities for a sub-process such as pre-processing, processing, review, re-review etc.

  • Provides facility to configure the dashboards and screens for each sub-process activity.

  • Allows creating, assigning, tracking and management of sub-process level tasks / workitems.

  • Provides fully configurable workflow for each sub-process that enables efficient routing of work items.

  • Enables tracking of employee time utilization on each of the sub-process activities & also generic activities such as breaks, team meeting etc.,

  • Provides role based authorization to ensure right-level of access to team members, leads and managers

  • Provides powerful reports that can be used
    >> to track & manage day-day operations at process / sub-process level
    >> to monitor process performance in terms of SLA compliance & standard time efficiencies
    >> to monitor team performance in terms of productivity

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